CAROSAI side event to the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

The Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI), in collaboration with the Supreme Audit Institution of Antigua and Barbuda, is hosting a side event to the 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS), focused on “Charting the Course Toward Resilient Prosperity”. The virtual side event’s key theme is Role of SAIs in ensuring […]

STRENGTHENING PROCUREMENT AUDIT PRACTICES & COMPLIANCE IN THE CARIBBEAN: Compendium Report of Collaborative Procurement Audits Undertaken in Select Caribbean Countries

In July 2016, CAROSAI conducted a survey to determine the mandate, needs and priorities of all its members. The adoption and implementation of ISSAI was identified as a critical capacity building need for most SAIs. In pursuit of addressing this need the CAROSAI Secretariat, through the joint support of the World Bank and the Inter-American […]

PASAI and IDI Team Up for a High Quality Workshop

The Pacific Association of Supreme Audit Institutions (PASAI) and the INTOSAI Development Initiative (IDI) teamed up this week to deliver a Quality Assurance (QA) Regional Workshop for their member Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) in the South Pacific, launching phase 1 of the drive to improve and enhance high quality audits conducted in the Pacific Region. […]

PASAI’s September 2018 Newsletter

Inside this Newsletter: Strengthening Public Financial Management at the Tonga PFM Samoa’s professionalization and capacity-building story Scoping visit for SAI Papua New Guinea Internal Audit in the Pacific 2018 Meetings of the INTOSAI Capacity Building Committee and INTOSAI-Donor Steering Committee Secretariat Team Meeting Communications updates PASAI Calendar Read PASAI’s September Newsletter here

SIGMA Study – Developing Effective Working Relationships Between Supreme Audit Institutions

This study provides a comparative analysis of how supreme audit institutions and parliaments have developed effective working relationships in the European Union (EU) and EU Accession countries.  If offers guidance to SAIs and parliaments for establishing effective working relationships.  It analyses the expectations set out in international standards and identifies factors that influence these relationships […]