Institutional Strengthening Committee

The CAROSAI Strategic Plan 2008-2011 was approved by the membership at a meeting held in Barbados, August 2007. Emanating from this meeting, members of the SAI during a Commonwealth Auditor’s General Conference held in Bermuda in July 2008 met in 2008 July 06 and July 09, respectively to discuss CAROSAI matters.

Role and Responsibilities

The overall objective of the Institutional Strengthening Committee is to render assured assistance to member SAIs in strengthening their institutional capacity and to help SAIs to develop their professional capacity. The Committee will work towards accomplishing Goals 2 and 3 of the Strategic Plan.

In general terms the ISC is required to:

  • Develop and disseminate best practices on how SAIs can build institutional capacity by encouraging the exchange of experiences information between SAIs.
  • Consider and recommend work plans and budgets for the activities of the Committee
  • Oversee the implementation and ongoing activities of the work plan and
  • Report to the Executive Committee on progress made on the institutional strengthening work plan.


The outputs of the Advocacy Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • A tool for implementing Quality Assurance system in line with INTOSAI guidelines,
  • A peer review model/framework established for the region,
  • Capacity building initiatives
    • Training and sensitization in peer review
    • Training a pool of quality assurance reviewers
    • Conduct training workshops for SAI personnel


The Committee shall consist of such number of SAIs as the Executive Council shall appoint.

The current membership of the Committee is comprised of the SAIs of Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Grenada.

Timeframe for the Committee

The Committee shall be in force for the duration of the Strategic Plan 2008 2011. This period may be amended by the Executive Council.

Method of Work


  • The Committee shall hold meetings periodically to plan and coordinate the activities if the ISC. The Chair will determine the frequency and mode of meetings.
  • The Committee will discuss at least once per year the progress of the plan. Minutes of all such meetings and discussions must be documented and a copy is to be forwarded to the Secretary General of CAROSAI.
  • The Secretary General of CAROSAI is to be notified when meetings are to be scheduled and a copy of the Agenda of the proposed meeting is to be forwarded.

Role of the Chair

  • The Chair of the Committee will be appointed by the Executive of the CAROSAI and ratified by the membership.
  • The current Committee Chair shall be the Auditor General of the Cayman Islands.
  • The Chair of the Committee is responsible for issuing notices and documentation to members of the Committee.
  • The Chair of the Committee is responsible for liaising with the with other sub-committees under the Strategic Plan. In particular, the Chair will liaise with the Finance Committee for sourcing of funds.


The Committee will report quarterly to the Chair of the Executive on the progress of the work plan and a copy of this report is to be forwarded to the Secretary General.

Liaising with other Stakeholders

The Committee may liaise with other stakeholders in relation to the goals of ISC. Reports on discussions held and decisions arrived at must be prepared and submitted to the Secretary General and the Chair of the Executive.