In this issue of the INTOSAI CBC Newsletter:
Draft Agenda for the CBC (IDSC)Annual Meeting in Washington
With the upcoming annual meeting in Washington only about a month away, we are pleased to submit the latest version of the draft meeting agenda for the 18-20 September.
Matchmaking and the INTOSAI-Donor Cooperation
By Martin Aldcroft – Former Head of the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat
After six years Martin Aldcroft has handed over the leadership of the INTOSAI-Donor Secretariat to Ole Schoyen.
CBC Chair Kimi Makwetu writes INTOSAI Journal Editorial
Mr. Kimi Makwetu, Chair of INTOSAI Building Committee (CBC) and Auditor General of South Africa, shares his thoughts and experiences with “Collaborating for a Global Profession with Local Solutions” in the latest issue of the INTOSAI Journal.
The 29th PSAI Congress has taken place in Tuvalu
Please see the media release for the 20th PASAI Congress held in Tuvalu recently.