IntoSAINT Moderator Training in CAROSAI

IntoSAINT Moderator Training in CAROSAI

The Caribbean Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions (CAROSAI) during the period of February 4-5, 2019 hosted the Self-Assessment of Integrity (IntoSAINT) Moderator Training workshop in Kingston, Jamaica.

The workshop covered the IntoSAINT tool that has been developed with the intent of evaluating the SAI’s vulnerabilities to corruption while providing a framework of recommendations that can be used to strengthen ethical  and corporate governance practices. Additionally, from the use of this tool, management will be  able to develop policies that are specific to their entities, while raising integrity awareness among its respective staff.

While the Netherlands Court of Audit developed the IntoSAINT tool, and followed shortly thereafter by its adoption by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (INTOSAI), the self-assessment tool can be utilised by any other organisation within the public sector.

Mrs. Paola Carvajal and Mr. Francisco Parral, both of SAI Mexico served as facilitators for the two-day event. Over the course of the two days, topics that were discussed included, “Exploring the concept of integrity” and “Maturity level of the integrity control system”.

Participants of the workshop represented 20 member states of CAROSAI.