Communications Committee

CAROSAI recognizes that information sharing is vital for successful regional cooperation. Pursuant to the adoption of CAROSAI Strategic Plan 2008-2011, the Communications Committee was established. The Committee will work towards accomplishing Goal 4 of the Strategic Plan and facilitate effective information sharing in the region.

Roles and Responsibilities

The overall objective of the Communications Committee is to establish an effective information sharing process between the member SAIs of CAROSAI and stakeholders. The committee will have the following responsibilities

  • Develop a communication strategy
  • Develop and maintain databases in relevant areas
  • Upgrade and maintain the current CAROSAI website
  • Work in close cooperation with the other committees of CAROSAI to provide timely and relevant information to CAROSAI members. The type of information provided would include information on Regional activities such as:
    • Activities in the SAIs
    • Training opportunities
    • Resource material available
  • Provide linkage with INTOSAI and IDI knowledge sharing initiatives.


The outputs of the Communications Committee shall include but not be limited to the following:

  • A communication strategy for CAROSAI
  • Databases
  • Upgraded and up to date CAROSAI website
  • Linkage with INTOSAI and IDI knowledge sharing material


The Committee shall consist of a Chair and not more than four (4) members and not less than two (2) members. Member SAIs of CAROSAI can become members of the Committee on a voluntary basis. Initially, the members of the committee will be appointed for the period of CAROSAI Strategic Plan 2008-2011. The committee members will elect the Chair by majority vote.

Method of work


  • The Committee shall hold at least one meeting per year on a date determined by the chairperson of the committee.
  • Two (2) members shall constitute a quorum for the Committee meeting. When only two members are present at a meeting one of the members’ present must be the Chairperson or his/her nominee.
  • The Chair may invite stakeholders i.e. cooperation partners, donor institutions, members of other CAROSAI committees, technical experts to attend committee meetings as observers.
  • The costs relating to attendance of committee meetings shall be carried by each member SAI.

Role of the Chair

The Chair has the following role

  • Call committee meetings at a mutually agreed time and venue
  • Invite stakeholders to the meetings
  • Issue notices, agendas and discussion documents for meetings, and circulate minutes to members
  • Report on progress of work to the Executive Council through Secretary General of CAROSAI


  • The Committee will report on a quarterly basis to the Secretary General regarding implementation of its part of the operational plan.
  • The Committee will report on its activities annually to the Executive Council through the Secretary General.

Procedure for Progress of Work Between Meetings

  • The Committee members will use the electronic media to work together and communicate between meetings.